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South Burnett Engineers Win!


In thInstitute of Public Works Engineering Australasia, Queensland (IPWEAQ) Excellence Awards held in Townsville, two of the South Burnett Regional Council's Engineers were awarded

At this year's Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia, Queensland (IPWEAQ) Excellence Awards held in Townsville this week, two (2) of the South Burnett Regional Council's Engineers were awarded for Public Works Service.

Council's Senior Engineer Frank Scheele was awarded the President’s Award and newly appointed General Manager for Infrastructure Aaron Meehan took the award for Young Engineer.

The awards recognise councils and individuals who have demonstrated best practice and innovation in public works projects across Queensland.

"Over the past couple of years, our Council and our Engineers have been recognised at these awards" said South Burnett Regional Council Mayor Keith Campbell.  "It reinforces that this Council is supported by remarkable staff that go above and beyond in an effort to provide the best service for our community and region as a whole."

Frank was awarded for his leadership of the recent review of the Queensland Urban Drainage Manual (QUDM). QUDM assists council engineers and stormwater designers in the planning, design and management of urban stormwater drainage systems. It addresses the technical, legal, regulatory and environmental aspects of effective drainage systems to achieve best practice within Queensland communities.

Aaron was recognised and awarded Young Engineer in recognition of his work whilst working at Western Downs Regional Council.  He had successfully delivered Western Downs Regional Council's largest works programs for flood damage and resource works and implemented a reorganisation strategy to manage an economic downturn, and deliver a future fit Works Department to align within their level of service expectations and budget.

The 2017 awards had attracted a record number of nominations, with 55 projects and 11 individual nominations submitted from councils both large and small across Queensland.

“Introduced in 2002 the awards aim to recognise excellence, innovation, forward thinking and sustainability in the delivery of projects that benefit Queensland communities,” Chief Executive Officer Leigh Cunningham said.

“Winners are selected by a judging panel of experienced public works professionals.

The winners of each award will be featured in IPWEAQ’s quarterly e-journal, Engineering for Public Works and in the annual awards commemorative book.