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Mayor Keith Campbell - Economic Development Portfolio Report - 20 September 2017


South Burnett Rewards Through August, Economic development staff have continued to support ongoing implementation of South Burnett Rewards across the region.  Testimonials from businesses continu

South Burnett Rewards

Through August, Economic development staff have continued to support ongoing implementation of South Burnett Rewards across the region.  Testimonials from businesses continuing to use Rewardle have been incorporated in to a brochure which is being utilised for the 2017 Roadshow events and also is being used to provide information relevant to new merchants.

Rewardle will be utilised for the South Burnett Rail Trail events taking place on Sunday 1 October along the trail, with participants able to ‘check-in’ at stations along the trail. 

Rewardle is also developing new extensions for the software which will extend the useability of the system through the South Burnett region.  Content marketing is available through, allowing destinations to share stories online and through the Rewardle app.  Ribbons are a new local loyalty point, a completely new rewards experience.  More information will be shared as these developments are rolled out.

2017 Roadshows

Planning for the Roadshows has included creating a relationship with key groups to host the events across the region.  Ensuring that all event requirements are taken care of has been a focus for Economic Development through August.  The 2017 Roadshow will visit nine (9) centres through September and features presentations on the Prequalified Suppliers, Beakon Contractor Management Software, 2020 South Burnett Economic Development Strategy and updates by Portfolio from myself and Councillors.

Chambers of Commerce

Economic Development hosted a meeting of Chamber of Commerce representatives in Wondai on 16 August to provide an update on the 2020 South Burnett Economic Development Strategy.  The Strategy was adopted by Council on 16 August and this meeting allowed me and Council’s Senior Economic Development Officer, Craig Tunley, to outline the Strategy and discuss the upcoming 2017 Roadshow program.  This meeting was attended by representatives from Kingaroy, Proston and Wondai with apologies received from Nanango, Murgon and Blackbutt.  Further meetings of this network will be scheduled after the completion of the 2017 Roadshow.

Ag Network (BIEDO)

Council was well represented at a meeting coordinated by BIEDO to discuss establishment of an Ag Network in the South Burnett region.  The meeting was well received by attendees and there was support for establishment of a network of producers moving forward.  The Ag Network is focussing activity currently in development of a modelling tool to assist in the flow of information about current production activity, of particular value in a post disaster recovery process. A similar network is also proposed by BIEDO for the North Burnett.


South Burnett Regional Council hosted the Wide Bay Burnett ROC Regional Economic Development Advisory Committee (REDAC) meeting on 4 August.  The meeting was well attended by member Council’s and discussed REDAC activity including the combined Advancing Regional Innovation Program (ARIP) project which is anticipated to be announced in September quarter and the Queensland Productivity Commission’s draft report on manufacturing in Queensland.  The meeting also promoted the upcoming Regional Economic Development Growth Forum to be held in Maryborough on Thursday 9 November.