Mayor Keith Campbell - Governance & Communication Portfolio Report - 16 August 2017
Internal Audit and Corporate Risk Management Council embraces a positive culture towards the internal audit and corporate risk management functions as prescribed by both the Local Government Act 2009
Internal Audit and Corporate Risk Management
Council embraces a positive culture towards the internal audit and corporate risk management functions as prescribed by both the Local Government Act 2009 and Local Government Regulation 2012.
Council’s internal audit plan covering the 2017-2018 financial year is currently being reviewed and will be tabled at the Audit Management Advisory Committee meeting later this month. Senior management, through the Chief Executive Officer and monitored by the Committee, progressively implement the audit recommendations for business improvement.
Accompanying the audit plan will be Council’s Corporate Risk Register and Treatment Plan which identifies and mitigates the high and extreme risks for 2017/2018. This document has been workshopped with senior management whereby the most significant corporate risks to project delivery, operational functions and activities were identified and evaluated, with the treatment actions listed to mitigate the risks, to be implemented during this financial year.