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South Burnett Directions Capturing Internet Speeds with ‘Streetspeed’


South Burnett Directions in conjunction with Council have teamed up with David Wiseman from Streetspeed to capture independent internet speed data for the South Burnett Region.

South Burnett Directions in conjunction with Council have teamed up with David Wiseman from Streetspeed to capture independent internet speed data for the South Burnett Region. By capturing this data, South Burnett Directions and other independent bodies will be able to continue to make quality submissions and lobby for better connectivity for our region.

Streetspeed is an online community platform that captures and maps speed as tested by the users from their device connected to the internet.  We are encouraging residents, including commercial premises, to participate in testing on a number of day/times to understand their typical speeds, especially in the important peak period.  The data collected reflects the internet speed from your device.

“In an effort to improve our future connectivity, it is imperative that we get independent and accurate data of internet speeds available from our residents throughout the South Burnett.” Mayor Keith Campbell said, “I encourage everyone, not only in town but also out in the rural areas to take part and keep testing over a period of time.  The more data we collect the better chance we have of lobbying for equal access in our regional area, something which is a hit and miss situation at the moment.”

There are studies indicating that regional consumers are constrained by poor internet to connect with their family through video calling and other online communication areas.  The BIRRR (Better Internet for Rural, Regional and Remote Australia) report highlights that most internet service providers rated poor for reliability, drop outs, unreliability of service and poor speed, it also highlights that those users outside of town areas are often subjected to poor speeds eliminating the household from ‘…participating in online education and accessing youtube...’

This is a simple speed test to check your internet upload and download speeds in your area.  It’s as easy as logging onto, signing up and clicking a button to test your upload and download speed.