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Cr Danita Potter - Health Services Portfolio Report - 18 January 2017


Mosquito Control January weather continues to be favourable for mosquitoes so the message to residents continues to be the same.  Residents can assist to help control mosquitoes, particularly aro

Mosquito Control

January weather continues to be favourable for mosquitoes so the message to residents continues to be the same.  Residents can assist to help control mosquitoes, particularly around their own homes by making sure that:

  • Any containers (e.g. pot plant bases, tins, tyres, jars, toys, bird baths, fish ponds and ornamental ponds) that could hold or pond water are emptied out and cleaned in order to eliminate the potential for mosquito breeding areas.
  • You clean out the leaves and other debris from your roof gutters.
  • Your rainwater tank and any water wells need to be screened with wire gauze, no coarser than 1mm mesh.
  • Your swimming pool is suitably chlorinated and the pool pump is operated regularly.