Cr Danita Potter - Health Services Portfolio Report - 14 December 2016
Mosquito Control With the weather heating up and the rain around, mosquitoes will start to become active. I encourage residents to do their bit to help control mosquitoes, particularly around their ow
Mosquito Control
With the weather heating up and the rain around, mosquitoes will start to become active.
I encourage residents to do their bit to help control mosquitoes, particularly around their own homes by making sure that any containers, for example, pot plant bases, tins, tyres, jars, toys, birdbaths, fish ponds and ornamental ponds that could hold or pond water, are emptied out and cleaned in order to eliminate the potential for mosquito breeding areas.
Also, cleaning out the leaves and other debris from your roof gutters, screening your rainwater tank and any water wells as well as suitably chlorinating your swimming pool can assist in reducing the breeding environments for mosquitos.
Animal Management
The dog registration renewal period has now passed therefore all previously registered dogs should now be registered. Council has found that the house to house dog registration check has been identifying a large number of unregistered dogs. I again encourage residents to register your dog and avoid having to pay a fine, with registration of a dog by far the cheaper option.