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Cr Ros Heit - Human Resources Portfolio Report - 16 November 2016


Traineeships Last year Council was approved under the first start program to employ 8 trainees, the traineeships were for a 12 month period. The 2016 intake of trainees consisted of young people aged


Last year Council was approved under the first start program to employ 8 trainees, the traineeships were for a 12 month period. The 2016 intake of trainees consisted of young people aged from 17 to 21 and were allocated across our region in the areas of Water & Wastewater Treatment, Construction & Administration, Civil Construction Roads & Concrete, Warehousing and Horticulture. All our trainees have been moving very well through their studies and are showing that they are very motivated and capable.

Good news for next year is the Department of Education and Training have once again approved Council for traineeship positions under the first start program, and this time it will be 10 positions.  Council sees the increase of numbers as an indication of Council’s commitment to the young people and the identified disadvantaged groups of our region. As well Council and the State Government recognise the commitment of our supervisors and staff who put in the effort of the day to day training and mentoring of these motivated young people. The 2017 intake will receive funding from the State Government of $137,500 to assist Council in providing young people of our region with employment and training to take them into the future. Recruitment will commence in January 2017 with selection processes following shortly after that time.

The criteria specified by the State Government is to target the following groups:-

  • Young people (aged 15-24 years)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Mature-age job seekers (45 years or older)
  • Migrants and refugees from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • People with disability
  • Women re-entering the workforce

Council considers all these identified groups during the selection process to comply with the funding requirements.

Human Resources Section has already had departments show keen interest in obtaining trainees for their sections, allocation of these young people will be decided in the New Year. The 2017 intake will see trainees commencing around April, which will coincide with the finalisation of the 2016 intake completing their training