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Cr Danita Potter - Health Services Portfolio Report - 16 November 2016


Health Services: Mosquito Control It is once again that time of year when the weather conditions are favourable for mosquitoes and they become more active. Council’s Environmental Health Team co

Health Services:

Mosquito Control

It is once again that time of year when the weather conditions are favourable for mosquitoes and they become more active.

Council’s Environmental Health Team continues to implement the Eradication Program for Aedes aegypti in the township of Wondai.  We are also continuing monitoring throughout the region.

Please do your bit to help control mosquitoes around your home.  Some of the ways you can help is by disposing of your pot plant bases or alternatively, empty and clean the base weekly or put sand in it to absorb the water.  With regards to tins, tyres, jars, toys and rubbish items, any items left lying around your yard that hold water will breed mosquitoes so we recommend people store these items under cover and dispose of all unwanted items.

Roof gutters can be regularly cleaned out so they are free from leaves and other debris and also consider cutting back and trimming trees as blocked gutters also breed mosquitos.

There are more ways for us to control mosquitoes around our homes so please access Council’s website or contact the Environmental Health team for more information.

Animal Management

Owners of a registered dog should now have received their dog registration renewal.  If not, I encourage those dog owners to contact Council’s Compliance section.

The next Dog Registration Period will be the 1st of December 2016 to the 30th of November 2017.

To help Council to ensure that dogs located within the designated registration areas are registered, staff are out presently doing house to house dog registration checks around the region’s townships.  There is opportunity for dog owners who have not yet registered their dog or dogs to do so before they incur a fine of $243, which is substantially more than the dog registration fee.  Please contact Council to discuss the process.