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Mayor Keith Campbell - Governance & Communications Portfolio Report - 16 November 2016


Swickers Fire Event – Disaster Management / Recovery As Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group I would like to take the opportunity through my portfolio report to provide an update to the

Swickers Fire Event – Disaster Management / Recovery

As Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group I would like to take the opportunity through my portfolio report to provide an update to the community on the management and recovery efforts in relation to the recent Swickers Fire Event. 

Under the Disaster Management Act 2003 and Regulation 2014, Council is the lead agent in the region for the management of and recovery from a local disaster.  From 11am Sunday the 6th of November through to Thursday afternoon, Council staff and resources were working around the clock to support Swickers in their management of and recovery from impact of the fire. 

Swickers Management, through the Local Disaster Management Group, were provided immediate support from group members such as Queensland Fire & Emergency Services, Queensland Police Service, and various State Government Departments.  Council’s response was immediate to requests for support providing access to halls, facilities, equipment, communication assistance as well as environmental technical expertise.  An example of this was in relation to the urgent need for the disposal of some 2000 carcasses (approximately 400 cubic metres) and some 200 cubic metres of other boxed pig product.   Council officers gained all the necessary approvals and undertook all the necessary preparations factoring in the logistics in record time to make ready the landfill site. 

I am very proud of how our Council has coordinated the disaster management and recovery response for this event.  It is a credit to the Staff and my fellow Councillors who immediately stopped their everyday lives and commitments dedicating themselves to ensuring the best approach to minimise the impact on our region. I would also like to commend Swickers Bacon Factory/Sunpork management for their fast acting dedicated efforts in ensuring that staff, suppliers and customers were a priority at this challenging time as well as their efforts to re-establish operations / production.

As of Thursday last week, with the consent of Swickers Bacon Factory, the Local Disaster Recovery Group stood down.  This doesn’t mean that Council or the region will walk away from the level of assistance provided to date.  What it does mean is that Council, through Infrastructure, Economic Development, Environment as well as Human and Social recovery will work one on one with Swickers to assist where possible to ensure a full recovery from this devastating event.

Annual Report 2015/16

Council adopted the annual report 2015/2016 at the special meeting of Council last week.  The report is now available on the website.  In the coming weeks the report will be available in hardcopy or on disk for purchase at Council offices and for viewing at the Council libraries.  I encourage the community to read this comprehensive report.

Communication Strategy

As per the operational plan for 2016-2017, Council will develop a communication strategy to assist Council in achieving the five (5) principles that underpin the Queensland Local Government Act 2009.  This Council has made a commitment to meaningful community engagement / social inclusion and with this in mind has reviewed the Community Engagement and Media Relations Policies as presented here today for adoption.

Lobbying for support and recognition for the South Burnett region

During the past few weeks I have taken the opportunity to lobby on behalf of the South Burnett at a number of regional and state leadership forums.  I attended the Local Government of Queensland Annual Conference with my fellow Councillors, Cr Heit and Cr Potter.  I also attended Destinations Q in Mackay with the Manager of Economic Development Phil Harding and attended the Wide Bay Burnett Regional Organisation of Council’s (WBBROC) Meeting in Brisbane with Acting CEO Lester Schumacher.  

I would like to make particular mention of the WBBROC meeting as I met with Jennifer Howard, Assistant Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Trade and Investment, Steven Miles, Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection and National Parks and the Great Barrier Reef, Mark Bailey, Minister for Main Roads, Road Safety and Ports and Energy, Biofuels and Water Supply and Dr Anthony Lynham, Minister for State Development and Natural Resources and Mines.  These discussions were a key opportunity to highlight the many issues important to our Region.  Two of the matters discussed were the issue of modern heavy vehicles and the first and last mile freight project as well as the issue around the importance of developing an economic framework for a regional water strategy.  I am pleased to convey that the progress that is being made on these two issues, as well as a range of others, represents a united approach to Government.  Essentially, we have chosen well through South Burnett Directions to develop the Agricultural Sub Committee and the National Heavy Vehicle Sub Committee as both of these issues are key to our future prosperity and sustainability.

Over the coming months, my fellow Councillors and I will develop an agreed strategic position with regards to additional matters that are critical to the South Burnett’s growth and progress.  These matters will then become the issues to be concentrated on as being key for the future of the region.  There are many direct benefits of this leadership approach, one of which is a more rigorous application process for grants for a variety of pre-determined capital work projects and if successful will further add to enhancing our regions assets.

Detailed information of the LGAQ conference can be found on the LGAQ Website.  Destinations Q information is also available on their website.  I will distribute to Councillors the Agenda and Reports from the WBBROC Meeting.