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Cr Kathy Duff - Natural Resources Management Portfolio Report - 12 October 2016


Weed Control Programs Landholders in the Boondooma Area have borrowed spray trailers to treat African Love Grass. Splatter guns and spray trailers have been used by residents in  Ellesmere, Moond

Weed Control Programs

Landholders in the Boondooma Area have borrowed spray trailers to treat African Love Grass. Splatter guns and spray trailers have been used by residents in  Ellesmere, Moondooner, Brooklands and Kitoba for the treatment of Lantana. Contractors have completed Mother of Millions treatment program and have commenced Lantana control on Main Roads. Lantana control has also commenced on local roads in the Ellesmere area. Pest Management Officers have commenced Giant Rats Tail Grass inspections in the Runnymede and Bullcamp areas, Groundsel inspections are scheduled to commence in the next two weeks.

Feral Animal Programs

A total of 43 landholders participated in the September coordinated baiting program, distributing a total of 1,364 wild dog baits and 902 feral pig baits across the region. Rabbit trapping has declined in the last month with only 2 rabbits trapped and injected with Calici virus in the Coolabunia area as a result of an abundance of green pick making it difficult to entice rabbits into a trap.