Economic Development Portfolio Report - 21 September 2016
BIEDO Update I am pleased to provide this BIEDO update to Council. We have seen considerable community support for BIEDO events and activities recently. In the South Burnett, these include: Kum
BIEDO Update
I am pleased to provide this BIEDO update to Council. We have seen considerable community support for BIEDO events and activities recently. In the South Burnett, these include:
- Kumbia Women’s Wellness event
- Grant Writing Workshops – Murgon and Nanango
- Social Media Workshops – Murgon and Nanango
- Silver Surfers Workshops (Computer Literacy/Social Media for Seniors) – Mondure and Proston
- Partnering with Qld Health Community Health Nurses to hold the ‘Focus on You’ Community Health Expo in Murgon
- Partnering with BGA and South Burnett Directions to hold the Walker’s Weather Information Session in Wooroolin
The uptake of BIEDO workshops has been pleasing, in particular the Grant Writing Workshops which were very well-attended. Another round of those workshops are being planned to run in the end of October/early November. I would like to encourage as many clubs, organisations and schools to attend as possible, as these workshops will give them the skills and knowledge to write their own grant funding applications.
BIEDO was pleased to partner with the Qld Health Community Health Nurses from Murgon, Wondai and Proston to present the ‘Focus on You’ Community Health Expo in Murgon on Tuesday 30 August. The evening was a huge success with 215 attendees signing-in and feedback indicating an extremely high level of satisfaction with the event. Guest Speaker, Matt Golinski, was very well received and provided inspiring messages about wellbeing for everyone to take away. It was lovely to have Cr Kathy Duff, Cr Ros Heit and Cr Danita Potter join us at the event. A big thank you to Cr Kathy Duff for enabling a free bus from Proston to bring people to and from the event.
Another event BIEDO was proud to assist with was the Hayden Walker, Walker’s Weather Information Session held in Wooroolin. The event was suggested by myself and supported by BGA AgriServices and South Burnett Directions. 60 people listened to Hayden’s strategy for long-range weather forecasting. We were pleased to hear him predict rainfall for our region during November, December and January.
International Day of Rural Women will be celebrated in Wondai at 9.30am on Friday 14 October. Councillors and staff are invited to join. A Young Women’s Wellness event in Murgon on Saturday 5 November is also being planned.
Economic Development
South Burnett Rewards
43 businesses are trialling the Rewardle loyalty system in the lead up to the South Burnett Directions shop local campaign – ‘South Burnett Rewards‘ - which is planned to commence in the 4th quarter of 2016. Television and media advertising has commenced.
Agricultural Reference Group
Through South Burnett Directions Agriculture Reference Group the scope of this important project is taking shape. Discussions held with a number of government departments along with the University of Southern Queensland are indicating that the South Burnett will benefit from working on the agriculture supply chain to efficiently utilise water and where possible grow higher value crops and develop local skills.
AGL Information Session
Over 40 people attended the first South Burnett Directions AGL Wind Farm business information session outlining the scope and timing of the AGL wind farm project, and what is required by businesses wishing to gain work out of this opportunity.
AGL have committed to utilising local where possible.
On 21st September South Burnett Directions will host a Capability Statement Workshop to assist local businesses prepare capability statements outlining their business offering and their business experience. The objective is to have this information available for major business projects that require local services and skills.
The Lady Bjelke-Petersen Community Hospital was opened on Monday 22nd August 2016. The South Burnett Community Hospital Foundation was also publicly launched on this day. The hospital has undertaken theatre services for dentistry, eyes and scopes. A range of additional services are being considered.
South Burnett Directions hosted a heavy Vehicle information session for local transporters. A Transport and Main Roads representative provided the group with valuable information to assist with working towards transport efficiencies. We are in the final stages of organising a date for a meeting to include the NHVR and transport stakeholders in the region.
Social Media
Facebook page Discover South Burnett increased likes to 787, Facebook stats 75% female and 24% male…other 1%? Highest age bracket 35 – 44 (22%) followed by 25 – 34 (20%). Instagram account discover_south_burnett increased this month to 434 followers.
Lake Boondooma and Bjelke Petersen Dam
- South Burnett winter feature – July Qld Fishing Monthly as written by fishing ambassador Matthew Langford
- In region visit from photojournalist for advertorial placed in Western Downs Magazine
- Caravanning Australia Winter 2016 dam ad placement and editorial as part of Explore the Bunya Mountains feature
- Facebook social media likers for BP Dam increased to 2053 and an increase to 4240 likers for Lake Boondooma Dam
SQCT media family
Lee Mylne Get Up and Go magazine and Tommy Campion freelance photographer visited the South Burnett and had a jam packed 5 day itinerary gathering images and information about the South Burnett.
Operators visited included Bunya Mountains and Markets, Kingsley Grove Estate, The Peanut Van, Taste SB, Crane Wines, Deshons Retreat, Cassis at Booie, Dusty Hill Vineyard, BP Dam, Wooroolin Wetlands, Kingaroy Observatory, Kingaroy Regional Art Gallery, Pottique Lavender Farm, Family Affair Antiques and Saddlery, Blackbutt Woodfired Bakery.
Bunya Mountains Official Guide
New edition has been released and delivered hot off the press to Regional Flavours where approximately 1200 copies were taken over the 2 day period.
South Burnett Touring Guide
The South Burnett Touring Guide has increased distribution, annual quantity 20,000 copies are running low by August so the new edition print order has been brought forward by 3 months and increased to 30,000 copies.