The Arts Portfolio Report - 17 August 2016
Community Assistance Grants Round 1 is currently open for local not-for-profit community organisations based in the region to apply for funding up to $3000.
Community and The Arts funding:
Community Assistance Grants
Round 1 is currently open for local not-for-profit community organisations based in the region to apply for funding up to $3000 to assist them in delivering events and projects that benefit South Burnett residents. The round will close on 31 August.
Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF)
Round 1 will open next week on Monday 22 August and close on Friday 16 September. As this will be the final round for RADF funding for 2016, I encourage local individual professional artists, arts workers, cultural workers and art organisations to apply. For more information please contact Council or access Council’s website for the application guidelines and forms.
Healthy Communities Funding available in 2017
I am excited to announce that in February 2017, Council will open a Healthy Communities funding round of $10,000. This funding will be available to support initiatives and activities that specifically relate to improving the health of people in our community. This funding will be rolled out in addition to the community assistance funding and will be available to local not-for-profit community organisations based in the region.
I encourage local organisations to start considering what initiatives and activities they could deliver with the help of this funding. I would love to see a number of little projects that make a big difference directly in the lives of people in our community who are trying to improve their physical and/or mental health. I look forward to providing further details of the funding in the coming months.