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Governance and Communication Portfolio Report - 17 August 2016


Governance and Communication Annual Report 2015/16 Council is commencing the collation of data in preparation for the annual report 2015/16.  While annual reporting is a mandatory obligation of t

Governance and Communication

Annual Report 2015/16

Council is commencing the collation of data in preparation for the annual report 2015/16.  While annual reporting is a mandatory obligation of the Local Government Act 2009, this requirement is an opportunity to demonstrate Council’s commitment to open, transparent and accountable governance. 

The annual report provides details of Council's activities and performance for a financial year, and provides valuable information on our operations during that period. To give you an idea of what sort of information can be found in the annual report, there are:

  • Regional statistics such as the population and the number of rateable properties
  • Statements of cashflows, comprehensive income and financial position
  • Achievements, challenges and opportunities for that financial year
  • Assessments of Council’s progress towards implementing the Corporate Plan 2014-2018

Copies of the previous annual reports can be found on Council’s website and hard copies can be purchased from Council offices or accessed through your local library. I encourage you to look out for the release of the 2015/16 annual report later this year.

Listening Tours

I am heartened by the attendance of community members who are coming along to the ‘listening tours’.  We, as Councillors, are continuously looking for ways to improve the way Council does business and these tours provide an opportunity for us to hear directly from community members about their issues, concerns and ideas.  To date my fellow Councillors and I have held listening tours in Blackbutt, Nanango and Maidenwell with the next listening tours to be held in Kumbia tonight and Durong on August 31.