Parks & Gardens Portfolio Report - 20 July 2016
Kingaroy staff have been finalizing works at Glendon Street Park with the installation of picnic settings, top dressing new turf, tidying up Contractors work ....
- Staff have been finalizing works at Glendon Street Park with the installation of picnic settings, top dressing new turf, tidying up Contractors work and preparing for opening the park up to the public.
- We have also completed a full weed eating program of all traffic islands, parks and town entrances.
- We have started our winter maintenance program with repairs being done at Taabinga Cemetery and fences and some small maintenance jobs around town.
- We have just completed works at D’Aguilar Hwy Traffic Islands where we have removed bottlebrushes and tree rings where there were visibility issues for traffic.
- Staff are working on our winter gardening program which includes cleaning up all our park gardens and rotary hoeing the annual flower beds at Memorial Park.
Murgon & Wondai
- Staff have been working on playground and park maintenance including mowing of parks
- Other mowing includes the road verges, town entrances and cemeteries
- Staff have been working on garden maintenance including stripping gardens and replanting and painting garden edges
- Other work has been the oiling or repainting of shelters and the repainting of seats
Nanango & Blackbutt
- Staff have been working on maintenance of assets
- Maidenwell has been tidied up for the Hot Rod Show and some action requests completed
- Tree trimming at the Blackbutt cemetery has been completed.
- Benarkin toilet block is waiting for the power to be connected and some clean-up work will need to be under taken.
- Some maintenance of Tipperary flats and Pioneer Park has been completed as well as work in Butter Factory Park.
- Some touch up mowing and whipper snipping will take up the next few weeks including ongoing maintenance of streetscape gardens and annual beds.
Rail Trail this month
- Completion of 3 sets of chicanes north of Murgon by CTC Work Skills
- Crawford North walkway bridge construction was completed with a Work Skills crew including painting, the erection of balustrades and fitted kick rails.
- Work continues on the surface and bitumen should be laid on the next ten plus kilometres in the next week or so.