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Governance & Communications Portfolio Report - 15 June 2016


Communication As we move into 2016-17, I will lead the development of Council’s strategic communication framework. This framework will provide a more structured approach to how Council communica


As we move into 2016-17, I will lead the development of Council’s strategic communication framework. This framework will provide a more structured approach to how Council communicates updates, initiatives, and changes to the community. The development process will also involve a review of Council’s Communication Engagement and Media Policies. Council works within the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) Public Participation Spectrum which defines the types of engagement Council employs with stakeholders and the community at large. A component of the framework will be to provide triggers at which the various levels of engagement will be applied. Through my portfolio report I will periodically provide updates as to the progress in the development of the framework.

Social Media

Council maintains a number of social media platforms to assist in the dissemination of information to the community. The environment of Social media is a moving feast whereby the ingredients to successfully deliver a digestible presence is not a simple one. Council utilises social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to inform and engage with the community however social media has limitations such as the ability to register requests for service. Customer requests are managed through a dedicated system whereby performance is monitored with outcomes tracked to ensure that every request is captured, processed and addressed.

Some interesting insights relating to Council’s Facebook page are:

  • Council’s Facebook page has over 5,460 followers (or ‘fans’)
  • 72% of ‘fans’ are women subsequently 27% of ‘fans’ are male
  • 28% of ‘fans’ are aged between 25-34 followed closely by 26% of ‘fans’ aged 35-44
  • From the 1st to the 12th of June 25,996 people were reached through the 25 posts
  • Council’s Facebook page does not require membership of Facebook in that any member of the general public can type in and the page will display.