Natural Resource Management & Parks Portfolio Report - 20 April 2016
Rail Trail Update Kingaroy Rail Trail Walkway Bridge is now completed and Memerambi South Bridge has been completed. We have three bridges left for construction: – Memerambi North, Crawford Sout
Rail Trail Update
Kingaroy Rail Trail Walkway Bridge is now completed and Memerambi South Bridge has been completed. We have three bridges left for construction: – Memerambi North, Crawford South and the Murgon Bridge.The remaining fettler’s sheds at Kingaroy and Wondai have been pressure cleaned, scraped, sanded and given a new paint job. Commencement of the Barambah Creek Crossing Bridge will begin soon. The community Work Skills Trainees through CTC have completed their 16 week Cert 1 training in construction which concluded with a Graduation Lunch and presentation of certificates on Thursday 24th March at the CTC office in Kingaroy. The Second round of CTC Work Skills Trainees are due to commence their 16 week Cert 1 training shortly. The Rail Trail surface construction has commenced and should be in full swing in the coming weeks.
Biodiversity Activities
There have been mixed species plantings along Dickensen’s Lane in the Kumbia area and Ellesmere Rd, north of Dickensen’s Lane. A large section of the Murgon end of the rail trail has had over 1000 trees planted between Annings Rd and Zerners Road over the last 3 weeks. Future activities after the Easter break will be further rail trail plantings around the Crawford district plus placing guards around many of the newly planted trees.
Dams & Airports Interesting Statistics
Kingaroy airport has had 306 aircraft movements between 24 March 2016 – 13 April 2016 (approx. 100 planes/week).
Yallakool from 1 April 14 – 31 March 2015 had total visitors of 11624 with average nights stay of 2.3 and the same period this year the total visitors were 13055 with average nights stay of 3.2. Boondooma Dam from 1 April 2014 – 31 March 15 had total visitors of 17222 with average nights stay of 2.7 and the same period this year the total visitors were 18652 with average nights stay of 3.28. This is a good news story as the numbers of visitors to both dams has increased significantly.