Latest news in Roads & Drainage
UPDATE - Lamb Street, Murgon - CBD Footpath, Kerb and Channel Replacement
Following the success of Stage Two, South Burnett Regional Council is pleased to be proceeding with Stage Three of the Lamb Street Footpath, Kerb and Channel Replacement works.
Request for Tender - SBRC-20/21-05 - Kingaroy Sewer Renewals 2020-21
South Burnett Regional Council is seeking offers from suitably qualified and experienced Contractors for the Kingaroy Sewer Renewal Project.
UPDATE - Kingaroy Water Main Replacement Program - Notice of Construction Work - Youngman Street Kingaroy
As a part of Council’s Capital Works program and commitment to ensure the long term sustainability and efficiency of our water infrastructure,
Kingaroy Transformation Project Community Information Sessions
South Burnett Regional Council will be hosting a series of information sessions to inform the community on the Kingaroy Transformation Project design and pre-construction activity.
Community engagement commences for Kingaroy Transformation Project
Mayor Otto is pleased to advise that the long-awaited Kingaroy Transformation Project will become a reality with the commencement of the community engagement process for the pre-construction phase.
Lamb Street, Murgon-CBD Footpath, Kerb and Channel Replacement
South Burnett Regional Council is pleased to advise the progress of the replacement of Murgon’s CBD footpath along Lamb Street (between Krebs and Gore Street).
Closure / Limited Access - Friebergs Road, Warnung
Council wishes to advise that gravel resheeting and clearing works are due to commence on Friebergs Road, Warnung.
Kingaroy Museum Peanut Thresher Restoration Update and Notice of Temporary Road Closures
The Kingaroy Heritage Museum’s historic Peanut Thresher restoration project is nearing completion, with the return of the thresher to the museum scheduled for Thursday 27 August 2020.
Niagara Rd – Boyneside Reconstruction & Associated Works (Windfarm)
South Burnett Regional Council wishes to advise that rehabilitation works on Niagara Road Boyneside are programmed to commence on 24 August 2020.
UPDATE - Gravel Resheeting Works – August & September
South Burnett Regional Council advises that gravel resheeting works, funded through the Roads to Recovery programme, continue throughout the region during August and September 2020, weather permitting.
Update - Alford Street Car Park Kingaroy
Council is pleased to advise the progress of the reconstruction works for the Alford Street Car Park located between Alford Street, Haly Street, Kingaroy Street and Hector Munro Lane.
Lamb Street, Murgon-CBD Footpath, Kerb and Channel Replacement
Council is pleased to advise the progress of the replacement of Murgon’s CBD footpath along Lamb Street (between Krebs and Gore Street’s).
UPDATE - Lamb Street, Murgon - CBD Footpath, Kerb and Channel Replacement – 28-06-20
South Burnett Regional Council is pleased to provide an update on the progress of the replacement of Murgon’s CBD footpath project.
UPDATE - Lamb Street, Murgon - CBD Footpath, Kerb and Channel Replacement – 21-06-20
South Burnett Regional Council is pleased to advise the progress of the replacement of Murgon’s CBD footpath along Lamb Street (between Krebs and Gore Street’s).
UPDATE - Lamb Street, Murgon - CBD Footpath, Kerb and Channel Replacement – 14-06-20
South Burnett Regional Council is pleased to advise the progress of the replacement of Murgon’s CBD footpath along Lamb Street (between Krebs and Gore Street’s).